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From Rescue to Recovery

DoreeThe Animal Rescue League of Iowa conducted our biggest puppy mill rescue in ARL history late last year. The massive operation culminated in the removal of 514 dogs from horrific conditions at the hands of an Iowa breeder and setting them on a path to better lives.

Doree in water physical therapyOf all the stories from this rescue, Doree’s was the most heartbreaking.

When she was found, Doree was on the brink of death. She was skin and bones. She couldn’t stand. She couldn’t walk. She could barely lift her head. X-rays revealed that she had multiple fractures to her ribs and spine, and records showed she had been forced to have puppies even with her excruciating injuries.

Doree in therapyOnce she was in our care, Doree finally got the help she had needed for so long. Under the care of a team of veterinarians and rehabilitation specialists, she began making a slow recovery. Through daily hydrotherapy and physical therapy sessions, she gained strength and progressed from standing on her own for a few minutes to walking with the help of a special cart. One of her veterinarians started fostering her so she could experience the comfort of a home for the first time in her life. She still needed assistance to stand, but as she began to feel relaxed and safe, her recovery took an amazing turn.

Doree One day she pushed herself into a sitting position all on her own. Another day she stood up for a brief period of time. As the days went by, she took her first wobbly steps, and little by little she walked longer and longer distances. Now Doree loves following around her foster family’s other dogs, and she is not only walking, but sometimes jogging! Even better, her foster family decided to adopt her, so she now has a permanent home!

Doree’s rescue and recovery—and second chances for all the dogs in this rescue—would not have been possible without your support. To learn about the many ways you can help pets like Doree, please contact Lora Rogers at (515) 473-9119 or